Extra and Sources

After seeing how photonic quantum computers are made and who are the top players in the field, you may be wondering: what is this useful for? In the introduction we briefly answered this question, mentioning how photonic quantum computers can be useful in a variety of fields. Now, let's see a short example of a promising photonics application. After it, you'll find a list of useful resources to continue your photonic journey with.

Quantum Key Distribution

Quantum Key Distribution is a cryptographic protocol and an interesting application of quantum computing to cryptography. Photonic Quantum Computers are particularly useful for QKD. Let's see how photons can make communication secure.

We assume that at this point, the reader has studied and understood the core concepts of photonic quantum computing, including superposition and polarization.

To explain this concept, we have included a short videogame, that explains how QKD works at a very high level. You can support the developer here.