Module 5 - Photonics in Industry and Academia

Interactive Map of Photonics Quantum Computing

Now that we have seen the basics of how Photonic Quantum Computing works, let us see who is working on it!

You may take this map as a starting point on your Photonics journey; many of these companies and institutions collaborate, and once you enter their world, you will start seeing more clearly where next you could go!

Click the pins on the map to learn more about the professionals working on Photonics!

A Chat with a Quantum Information Scientist

On 23 August 2022, I virtually met Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, a Quantum Information Scientist at Quandela, to discuss his journey through Photonic Quantum Computing. Here is what he told me!

Listen to the interview below.

klara and pierre

You can't do without photons!

[At Quandela,] we like the idea of open-world research.

Go to the next module!