Sofia's cookbook

Piadina go to top

Ingredients (~4 piadine)

  • 400 g semola flour
  • 200 ml sparkling water
  • 50 ml milk
  • 1 nice spoon of lard

What do

  • sift flour
  • add water & mix
  • add milk & mix
  • add lard & mix
  • make a ball, put it in a bowl and cover with a cloth
  • let it rest in the fridge
  • divide in little balls, roll out the dough and cook in a pan poking holes with a fork


my mom


my own variant is

  • without milk & slightly more water
  • with flour type 0 or 00 or a mix of those and semola flour (based on what i have)
  • with olive oil instead of lard

Browning sauce go to top


  • 80 ml (1/3 cup) warm water
  • 80 ml (1/3 cup) packed brown sugar

What do

  • put brown sugar in non-stick pot on medium heat and stir a bit until the sugar melts
  • keep stirring until it gets super dark
  • remove from the heat and pour in the water, and stir (be careful it's super hot)
  • let rest and store


My forking life

Gravy go to top


  • 30 g butter
  • 30 g flour
  • 300-500 ml warm broth (i use ~300)
  • whatever spices (i overuse black pepper, also try powder pearà)

What do

  • melt butter in a pot
  • add flour and mix
  • let it cook for a few mins
  • or wait until it changes color
  • slowly add broth and mix (add it in parts until you get the thickness you like)
  • add whatever spices you like
  • eat


i asked chatgpt for a gravy recipe, then experimented on what it gave me. this is what i prefer

Spicy marinade go to top


  • red bell pepper
  • red chili peppers
  • olive oil
  • garlic cloves
  • cumin
  • paprika
  • oregano
  • black pepper
  • salt

What do

  • roast bell pepper and chili peppers
  • let cool, peel, remove seeds, chop
  • blend with oil, minced garlic and spices
  • eat it like this or use it to marinate chicken


i asked chatgpt a spicy sauce to marinate my chicken, then tweaked the recipe to this


i also tried

  • adding other spices (cayenne powder, chili powder, smoked paprika)
  • adding habaneros
  • using tomatoes instead of bell peppers (bell pepper version is better imo)
  • adding a squeeze of lime or lemon (personally i dont like)

Brownies go to top


  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 150g butter
  • 200g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 100g flour
  • 30g cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda or 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 120-150g yogurt (if using baking soda)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • white choco

What do

  • heat up oven 180°C
  • butter 20x20cm baking tray
  • melt choco n butter on low heat
  • let rest
  • mix eggs n sugar
  • add molten choco
  • add yogurt (skip if using baking powder)
  • sift flour, cocoa, baking soda or baking powder
  • mix
  • put in the tray
  • put pieces of white choco on top
  • cook for 25-30 mins
  • let rest
  • eat


I made the mistake of putting marshmallows inside the brownies. Naturally, they didn't cook properly.

If you want to make marshmallow brownies, just put the marshmallows on top after the brownies are done cooking and let them brown.

Or cut the cooked browies in half, fill them with marshmallows and let them melt.

Idk the sky is your limit.


Generated by chatGPT, tried and tweaked by me

Cakepops go to top


  • brownies
  • marshmallows (8 for 12 pops, i guess? need to test further)
  • chocolate in chunks (whatever flavor you prefer)

What do

  • make brownies
  • break them apart
  • melt marshmallows
  • mix
  • make balls and dip in melted chocolate
  • let rest & eat


As you can guess, I made this when my first brownie attempt failed due to me putting marshmallows inside the raw brownies and the batter not cooking properly. I improvised cakepops to attempt and save them. It was actually too sweet, so maybe try less marshmallows.

Crepes go to top

Ingredients (~ 6 crepes)

  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr flour
  • 250 ml milk
  • butter as needed

What do

  • mix eggs
  • add milk
  • sift and add flour
  • mix
  • let sit in the fridge for 30 min
  • heat up pan
  • add butter
  • add batter and cook the crepe until cooked
  • eat


my mom

Mascarpone Frosting go to top


  • 500 g mascarpone
  • 250 g unsweetened heavy cream
  • 100 g powder sugar
  • 1 packet vanillin
  • food coloring

What do

  • Mix mascarpone, sugar and vanillin
  • Whip cream (make sure to freeze the utensils)
  • Mix mascarpone cream and whipped cream
  • Add coloring if you want


Giallo Zafferano


I used it to cover this chocolate cake


Yogurt cake go to top


  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g flour
  • 180 g sugar or 90 g fructose
  • 250 g yogurt
  • 100 g melted butter
  • 16 g baking powder
  • fruit
  • optional: vanilla sugar

What do

  • mix eggs and sugar
  • add yogurt
  • add butter
  • sift and add flour
  • add baking powder
  • mix
  • put batter in a greased pan
  • add fruit on top
  • cook for 45 mins in a preheated ventilated oven at 170°C or in a static oven at 180°C
  • let rest n eat


If you put just a little fruit or none, cook for 30-35 minutes first and then check if it's still raw. If you cover the top in fruit then cook for at least 45 mins, but potentially more.

Tastes better with some chocolate spread!


I got the recipe Fatto in Casa da Benedetta but i swapped out the oil for the butter


torta puffy_cake
Made by sofi